Point Counter Point: “My Feminism”


Feminism is no longer a fight for equality. Instead, it has grown into a treacherous trap that feeds on the banishment of the testosterone-fueled male.  

Disclaimer: this will not include feminism within third world countries, instead will focus on feminism in the United States.  

Feminism is a murky term with different definitions, and– depending on the person– may be inclusive of other groups other than women,such as men and the transgender or overall LGBT community.  A basic concept for feminism is the equality of the sexes.  

Women of today believe in accommodation and are the first to spout off when a situation may favor their male counterparts, ignoring the idea that a man may actually be better at the job than a woman.  Yet whoever dares to attempt to communicate this subject is called out for being a misogynistic pig.  From a young age, we’re taught that women have to be believed to be–in every single way– just as good, and even better than a man.   We empower little girls to be strong women. But then little boys are told they can wear dresses and that shows that they’re strong men.  

Feminism has become a way of not only allowing men to be more vulnerable, but also as a way of shaming them.  Men who don’t cry, men who aren’t in touch with their “feminine” side are awful oppressors, who don’t wish to make way for women.  Yet, the very idea of forcing men to act a specific way is in fact a contradiction of the equality feminists preach about.  Not to mention the shroud of  stereotypes that surround the male gender.  

With the recent #MeToo events that occurred, much of the publicity revolved around sexual assault by men to women.  Not as many stories surfaced about women committing sexual assault, which is a struggle with looking at feminism.  There is a very strong hold on men being the main perpetrators in rape cases.  Yet to be fair and to counter this, a story recently surfaced that said the musician Melanie Martinez was one of the few cases of a woman committing sexual assault. As awful as it is, stories like this one becoming a part of the daily newsfeed help boost the idea of equality within the structure.   No one is exempt from being part of the problem.  Yet we as a society don’t touch on these events, the Harvey Weinstein case has surely got more press than the Melanie Martinez case will.  The point could be made about the amount of victims, but that shouldn’t excuse the behavior..  

The inequality of feminism stems from painting men in a bad light and allowing men to take the downfall because of history.  Feminism is a cause that needs to be fought for, equality is a critical goal to strive for, to attain.  Yet, this equality can never be ours if we continue to allow stereotypes to overrule our lives, and choose who gets equality and who doesn’t.  Neutral feminism is what we need as a society to continue to gain support from both genders and all communities.