Vanessa Garcia
Students catch up on homework and converse in the media center during 6th period on January 19, 2022. The media center serves as a safe place to get help with work, research, and additional technological help.
Over the years technology has changed drastically. I mean when was the last time you heard someone talk about how much they love their blackberry. The thought of inviting someone over to check out your new Gameboy is almost laughable nowadays. The constant need for new forms of technology is strong. Cellphones, which were meant to be small portable talking devices, are now huge screens that scan your face to let you in. Technology has come so far in recent years, and the education system is no exception to the development of technology.
At East we have easy access to technology, but has it always been that way? Of course not, but it’s been present for longer than you think. According to an article published by The Institute of Progressive Education and Learning, the first computer introduced in schools was in 1963. Since then we have developed further from those computers and came out with the Chromebooks in 2010. since then, we have seen many improvements in education. Using the internet, students have a great deal of access to a variety of information. Not only does this tool help improve teaching, but it has also helped students by leveling the playing field. Not all students used to be able to afford the best materials, but Chromebooks are offered to all students no matter their financial status.
School’s media centers have also been a great benefit to students in accessing technology. Over the years, school libraries have become less focused on just books, but mini-community centers with a variety of tools. Audio-Visual Technician, Brenda Wiemer, has been a part of the staff since September 1995. Wiemer has seen changes in technology over the years in our media center.
“Technology is a huge change, especially when they brought in the Chromebooks,” Wiemer said.
Chromebooks have been one of the biggest technological advances in education. Overall Chromebooks are very efficient and adaptive for all students. They work offline, so students without wifi can access them. They have a long battery life, so long assignments are easier. They are also helpful for distance learning, especially during the pandemic. The list of benefits of the Chromebook goes on. The media center is also a great place to get help with your Chromebook. Have a question or need something fixed? The media center can help you. Schools have well adjusted to help students with all their technological needs.
How has technology directly impacted school libraries? Are books not as relevant to students now as they were 20 years ago? Who better to ask than someone who works in the library?
“I think a lot of people still read and they prefer the paper copy over online. So I feel like we still have a lot of avid readers here,” Wiemer said.
Fortunately here at East, we still have an active reading community. Many worry that with the spread of technology, books will become obsolete. However, the argument is a moot point at East where we mainly see the benefits. The introduction of new forms of educational technology has helped staff and students alike, making life easier.