Zahraa Aljabiry
Michaela Schleicher, a teacher at Lincoln East, sits in her classroom preparing for the challenges of the new positions this year. Surrounded by pictures and other memories, she is reminded of her teaching journey.
Michaela Schleicher, an eighteen year social studies teacher, is having a transformative school year with many new roles. Schleicher teaches only AP classes, and two additional AP courses have been added this year: AP African American Studies, and AP WePo. In addition to that, Schleicher has been promoted to the new social studies department chair.
Though carrying a hefty workload, Schleicher’s passion for teaching overpowers all the challenges that come with these new responsibilities. “I’ve never wanted to be anything else. I’ve always loved education and learning—so it fit well with my personality,” Schleicher said. “It’s an engaging environment—my day is never the same. I get the opportunity to meet people and interact.”
Schleicher’s passion has not gone unnoticed by her students or the teachers that work with her—and when they were asked to share what they appreciated about her, similar responses were conveyed.
“She loves her job so much, and you can tell she makes an effort,” senior Lawson Martinez said, a student in her AP African American Studies class. “She really cares about what she teaches, which makes the class so much more enjoyable and fun.”
“I appreciate how Mrs. Schleicher is really passionate about what she teaches,” Elaine Yu, a senior in Schleicher’s AP WePo class, said. “You can tell she’s really knowledgeable about the topic and wants to help her students as much as possible.”
Being students in the two new classes Schleicher teaches this year, Martinez and Yu enjoy the periods.
“Honestly, AP African American Studies is my favorite class,” Martinez said. “It’s really interesting being able to learn about the stuff you wouldn’t learn in a regular history class.”
Schleicher’s method of teaching also plays a part in the efficiency of the course, according to her students.
“Her teaching style is very engaging, during her class I’m always able to take notes without getting bored,” Yu said. “She always pulls in current events or real world examples to conceptualize what we’re learning about, so we always get that real world application.”
Another one of Schleicher’s new positions this year is social studies department chair.
“When I applied for the job that I have now, that meant that there would be a vacancy for the department chair,” said Kevin Rippe, the previous social studies department chair and a twenty-five year teacher. “I knew that I was leaving the department in good hands, she was going to do the right thing and keep the department together on the same path—but take it on a ‘Schleicher’ path.”
Schleicher’s personal experience as department chair says no different.
“I have enjoyed it. It does have more responsibilities because I am now the first stop for people who have an issue,” Schleicher said. “However, I think because we have a good working relationship, it makes for a very fluid department. I don’t feel like teachers think they have an issue they can’t talk to me about.”
Both the additional AP classes and the new department chair position have been a success for Schleicher. With her productive and organized lifestyle, she’s been able to manage the new responsibilities fluently.
“Schleicher is a better teacher than she thinks she is[…]She’s made me a better teacher,” Rippe said.
Schleicher is appreciated by many; she may be seen in the hallways with a welcoming smile (or a nice hairstyle). With her passion and experience in teaching, all the challenges faced this year will eventually be labeled as triumphs in the end.