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Thanksgiving gatherings are for sure some of the most memorable experiences that people have with their family. While it may actually be an enjoyable time for some, many find themselves dreading what feels like a never ending afternoon spent with their family. Typically experiencing the latter, here are my five top tips for surviving this year’s Thanksgiving gathering.
Stay away from the politics
The number one ‘no no’ in my opinion is to let the political debate overtake the conversation. Once the politics enter the conversation, that’s when the frustration and yelling begins. If somebody mentions something political, be prepared to shift the conversation as quickly as possible. Some reliable options include complimenting something they’re wearing, asking questions that require a story, or plainly just stating that you don’t want to talk about it. And if the conversation does end up being inevitable, the best thing you can do for your sanity is to disclude yourself. But whatever you do, don’t bring up anything that could be closely related to politics.
Get ready to deflect
If there’s something about family, it’s that they love to ask questions that you don’t want to answer. Whether it’s about your dating life, your school/work situation, or any other sketchy subjects, the inevitable questions most likely will come your way. One of the biggest mistakes people make when heading into family gatherings, is not preparing themselves with deflection strategies. It’s easy to guess what kinds of questions are going to be asked, so prepare effective diversions. For example, ask if they need a refill, ask to take a picture together, or act like you forgot to tell them something important.
Flip the Focus
Most people enjoy talking about themselves and will get absorbed into the storytelling. If you find yourself in a situation where you don’t necessarily want to talk or if you just run out of things to talk about, this is a perfect strategy to keep the conversation flowing. Not to mention, grandparents love to tell stories about their life, and will take hours to do so.
Bring out the games
A great family bonding activity is to play a board or card game. Playing a game is a great way to spend time with the family without a ton of life focused conversations, and will help the time go faster. Games will allow everyone to stay occupied and focused on something other than family drama. This can also include movies, video games, or other activities. If you’re worried about the time dragging on, plan some activities or pick out some board games.
Have an exit strategy
Without being rude, it is important to pick a specific time that is appropriate to leave the festivities. Go into the gathering knowing what time you want to leave, and what a possible excuse might be. It is vital that you do not make up an excuse on the spot as the probability of it not being a good one is likely. It’s important to consider all situations and choose an excuse that nobody can question. If you are with your immediate family, make a plan as a family on what time to leave, or atleast come up with a code word to alert the others that you are at the end of your rope. The only deterrent is if you are hosting the family gathering, which in that case, I am deeply sorry. Not only do you have to deal with the actual family gathering, you have to prepare your house for it and have no control over when it ends.
All in all, no matter how painful Thanksgiving gatherings are, it’s also important to be thankful for family and the time spent together. That is ultimately the most important thing to remember during those long hours spent together.