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Lincoln East High School's home of Spartan news

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Lincoln East High School's home of Spartan news

The Oracle

Standardized Testing


As a student, I can attest to the fact that there is nothing more frustrating than finding yourself in the throes of yet another life changing moment and being rendered completely helpless. However, unlike a first job or receiving your license, this monumental moment descends directly from the hands of the the school systems. Standardized testing. Although the regulation of testing has to be incorporated into schools in order to maintain efficiency, I believe that no test, no matter how many experts have verified it, is not equipped to determine our futures.

Whether the test in question is the ACT, PSAT, NESA or any other of their devious counterparts, these tests should not hold the authority to make or break a student’s dreams. Although these tests do serve a purpose of measuring a person’s intellectual intelligence based in a classroom setting, it fails to take into account a person’s creativity, as well as, many other admirable traits not necessarily associated with school. If it were up to most students, these tests would be abolished to help maintain the creative lessons that the education system used to teach us, instead of forcing kids to reason through a series of multiple choice questions.