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Lincoln East High School's home of Spartan news

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Lincoln East High School's home of Spartan news

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Pets@East: The Reptiles


The science department at East is known for their silly and entertaining ways of teaching, especially when it comes to their animals. Ranging from cockroaches to lizards and snakes, here are three of the reptiles that can be found among the science department.

lizard-green-full-bodyimg_1780img_1782This is “Iggy” the Green Iguana. Found in Central America, the green iguana is often referred to as “bamboo chicken” or “chicken of the trees” by the locals, who eat iguanas. (But don’t call Iggy that please!)


img_1779 img_1784img_1778 6 month old and 4 month old, African Spurred Tortoises, “Saturn” and “Uranus.” Their species of tortoise is the third largest in the world and are native to desert environments, usually found at the southern edge of the Sahara Desert.


img_1789 img_1787img_1788Native to Central Australia’s arid woodlands and deserts, the Beard Dragon wasn’t introduced to the United States in the 1990’s and has since then increased in popularity as a pet. There are a total of 9 different breeds of Bearded Dragons. The one above is a Pogona Vitticeps.