Lincoln East High School's home of Spartan news

The Oracle

Lincoln East High School's home of Spartan news

The Oracle

Lincoln East High School's home of Spartan news

The Oracle



Multi-tasking is a common habit that everyone experiences. It’s so natural for some people that they don’t even realize they’re doing it at times. Multitasking is addicting because when we complete a tiny task, we receive dopamine, a hormone which our brain loves. We multitask to feel that constant gratification. This leads to a dangerous cycle where we feel like we’re accomplishing a ton but we really don’t do much at all.

According to an article on Inc, there is proof that multitasking lowers your work quality and efficiency. A study at the University of London showed that subjects who multitasked while performing elaborate tasks experienced significant drops in IQ. The most terrifying part was that the drops were similar to the IQ drops in individuals who skip a night of sleep or who smoke marijuana.

Multitasking also causes a lot of stress for our minds and thus mentally exhausts us. In other words, it takes more work to multitask. People say that multitasking is easier because they seem to get more done, but they really don’t.

Research also suggests that damage associated with multitasking could be permanent. A past study showed that multitaskers had less brain density in the area that is responsible for empathy and emotional control.

Multitasking is no good but it’s an easy habit to fall into. How can we focus on only one task when our world is filled with ever-changing stimuli?