Key Club continues despite coronavirus complications
Photo by Sam Chebuhar
Key Club president Abby Chan talks during a Zoom meeting. Key Club has had to go full Zoom this year because of the situation with Covid-19.
When thinking of what the coronavirus affected the most during the school year, things that come to mind first for most people would be sports, remote learning, lunch, and activities (such as show choir, band, etc.). Something that may not be thought of by many are clubs. Clubs have had a really difficult time this year, with reduced membership, having meetings split between in person and zoom, and some clubs even have meetings on alternating days because of alternating schedules. The list could go on and on of how different this year is. One club that really deserves a spotlight for all the hard work they’re putting in even in these uncertain times is Key Club.
Meetings this year have had to be all Zoom because with the restrictions that are set for how many people can be in a room it is sadly impossible to fit everyone in a room for a Key Club meeting. In previous years 40-50 kids would find a way to all get inside a room to attend meetings. Club member numbers have been depleted this year because of reduced volunteering opportunities. Kids would join and take part in volunteering opportunities to get points for GOPO, Civics, NHS, and other things that require volunteering. Because of the ever so fluid situation going on, these classes aren’t requiring volunteering, or as much of it, so that reduces the amount of members joining.
“Key Club is going really well this year. We have been moving our meetings online, which is super helpful, because people can zoom in and out as they please,” Key Club President Abby Chan said. Although membership is slightly down this year, people that are a part of the club are showing up to every meeting, which is a really positive thing to see. Zoom is both a negative and a positive. It makes it easier for some kids to attend meetings and be able to easily leave if they need to while still getting key information, but at the same time it is not the same feeling as a in person meeting. Getting to personally know members through Zoom is definitely a challenge.
“The difference this year with Covid is missing the feeling of being packed into Dr. Staples-Farmer’s room on Wednesday afternoons. You can’t have these meaningful connections that we usually do. It has been a little bit difficult finding service projects for everyone to complete,” Abby said.
Key Club has still done a fantastic job of offering service projects and making it easier to do projects without having to show up somewhere, for example making Meals on Wheels bags. Even while not able to meet in person, the officer team is still coming up with great ideas to get to know the members and for the members to get to know them, such as Kahoots, slideshows about the officer team, and even an Among Us game night for members.
“I think one of the biggest strengths we have this year is the officer team coming in and being so familiar with each other,” said Abby. There are 5 seniors on the board this year, which is a really great thing, because the connection is already established and they have 4 years of experience together. Also the first time members of the officer team get to learn from the seniors and kind of get a feel for it, so they’re ready for next year.
“I think it is going well. I think we are super organized. We have a great team of leaders and everyone is very experienced in our leadership roles,” Key Club teacher and ambassador Dr. Staples-Farmer said. The officer team is being very creative in coming up with ideas for members even though options are limited with coronavirus. The leadership having experience is a big help. Overall, Key Club is going great. Although coronavirus has definitely changed some things, the officer team, Dr. Staples-Farmer, and members are still able to find ways to keep involved.

I’m Sam Chebuhar and I am a senior this year. I’m involved in Express (East’s varsity show choir), Marching Band, Key Club, DECA, Tri-M, NHS, and...