Eco Club deals with the changes due to Covid-19
Photo by Joel Bierbower
The students in Eco Club discuss a number of topics in their meetings, some pictured here, about how they can make a difference in the environment in Lincoln and at East.
With the chime of the final afternoon bell, the halls are swept barren of all personnel, and clubs are now in session. Each club is designed specifically to cater to students who are interested in a particular topic, or because it focuses on a potential career. Some students join to meet peers or be with friends, or come to meetings because they heard it’s fun. East offers clubs ranging from those which are academic-based to art, drama or community service. Although we are nearing the middle of the second quarter, one group recently started meeting again: Eco Club. But what is Eco Club?
Eco Club focuses on the many environmental and ecological problems that are currently happening around the world and in our own community. You have probably seen their posters hung near the water fountains or in stairwells, either showing pictures of trash in the ocean or displaying facts about recycling. In a typical meeting, about 10-14 students gather to brainstorm ideas about ways to make the community more eco-friendly.
Due to the ever changing nature of the rules and regulations surrounding education and extracurricular activities, Eco Club looks different this year with senior and Eco Club president Isabella Villanueva leading the way. “This year, we are focusing on embracing what students want to learn about and do,” Isabella said. “For example, learning about sustainable businesses, microplastics, and the Great Barrier Reef.”
This year marks a very important time for Eco Club, as the members are discussing how they can be effective during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

My name is Joel Bierbower and I’m a senior. I am involved in a variety of activities such as Show Choir, Singers, Theater, Ambassadors, Tri-M, and the...