2020 from the perspective of a full time Zoom student
Photo by Zoom Blog USA
Even during a worldwide pandemic, teachers continue to teach, and students continue to learn.
With the school year coming to a close, I thought it would be a good idea to share how my personal experience went, coming from an East High School junior who was full-time remote.
Being a 100% Zoomer had its ups and downs. The bright side was not having to wake up as early in the day to get ready. It was also easier attending class from the comfort of your home, as you’re situated in an environment that you’re used to. And students sometimes got to see glimpses of your adorable pets.
But sometimes there were days of the weeks where students (and teachers) struggled to keep a standard classroom environment. Like on days of the week where the internet went down, or if you couldn’t access your test and needed the teacher to take their time in fixing it for you. Also, there were times when you were disconnected from the rest of the class, and were unable to communicate with your teacher until much later because the school was having connectivity issues.
Yes, the way of teaching wasn’t something many of us were used to as the school year started, and we all made adjustments of our own to fit with these new methods of learning. Some found it harder than others, and it’s important to note the work teachers put into making sure all their students received the knowledge was the best to their abilities.
I thank my own teachers for all they’ve done in including us in their conversations, and making sure we’re understanding the material because it isn’t easy. Especially since we don’t have the comfort of easily going to school to ask them any questions we may have, in-person. All must be done by email or zoom call.
If I were given the choice to continue 100% remote learning, without the risks associated with coming to school in person, I wouldn’t do it. Personally, learning things inside the classroom, with people directly in front of me is easier, as the environment puts me in that mindset of wanting to study, rather than looking for any distractions that my home environment would provide.
I had my reasons for choosing to stay at home this school year. And while some might not agree with me, I couldn’t take such risks with the folks in the house, especially with my 74-year old grandmother. It wasn’t the fear of me potentially catching the virus, but rather bringing it so she comes into contact with it. Now, obviously, it’s much safer than before, as I didn’t have the trust in the public to follow mandatory social-distancing protocol.
Many struggled this year with the changes the pandemic brought to the world, and some found it, and are continuing to cope with it at much more difficulties. We should respect everyone’s opinions on the matter, as not everyone comes from the same home, or have health issues that can affect them. So reflecting off of this year, it was great to see the quick adjustment East has made to its students and staff, by trying its best to accumulate to the needs of all families amidst the pandemic.

Hey, everyone! My name is Faqeha, and I’m a junior here at East. I moved to Nebraska in February 2020 from a small coastal town in California. I’m...