Eco Club members practice and encourage sustainability
Photo by Brooklyn Melessa
Nathan Casper at Eco Club. Taken September 7, 2022
Lincoln East’s Eco Club, sponsored by Dan Shafer, had their first club meeting after school on September 7th. While the club may be small – with only 11 members attending the first meeting, they strive to make a big, and positive environmental difference in our community.
The Eco Club’s main mission is to make and encourage sustainability. Every Wednesday they meet together after school and work on fun projects and activities that align with their mission. They make and post posters that promote sustainability schoolwide, and in between spreading awareness, Eco club conducts a variety of other fun projects. These include making paper or turning old t-shirts into bags to reduce the use of plastic grocery sacks. The eagerness of the club members was apparent as they discussed project ideas.
“I’m just kind of someone who really likes the environment and takes any opportunity to help and make it better,” Makenzie Pollock, a club member, said.
The Eco Club won Lincoln Public Schools Green Schools recognition program in the high school category. They acquired the most points; points can be earned through completing a number of tasks. These include participating in community litter clean up, as well as participating in the Save a Tree campaign and Water Waste campaign.
“There’s so much trash and just negative stuff going on and people are saying like, ‘oh, you know, we can’t fix it today,’”Pollock said. “I’m someone who still has that hope to make it better.”
As the club members meet together, they externalize their care for our Earth, improving our community and making the world a better place.

Brooklyn Melessa is a junior at Lincoln East. This is her first year on the Oracle. She was born in Utah, and prior to her family settling in Lincoln she...