For the senior class, second semester can mean many things: college decisions, senioritis, graduation, or even permanently altering their bodies as well as their lives. High schoolers experience many milestones, the big ones being learning to drive at 15, getting a driver’s license at 16, going to R rated movies at 17, and then at 18 a whole bunch of rights and responsibilities are dropped into their laps as they are seemingly thrusted into the adult world.
A problem that 18 year olds run into in Nebraska is the fact that you don’t reach the age of majority until 19.
According to “Wex”, the law encyclopedia of Cornell Law Institute, “The age of majority refers to the age at which an individual will be legally considered an adult. It is the age at which one will be subject to the full legal rights and responsibilities of an adult, including the right to vote, the right to join the military or the right to sign a contract,” according to “Wex”, law encyclopedia of Cornell Law Institute.
Nationwide, the age of majority was 21 until it was lowered with the passing of the 26th amendment in 1971, making 18 the legal voting age (Constitution Annotated). Congress decided to lower the age of majority to 18 too, because it wasn’t logical to allow the 18 year olds to vote and do nothing else. However, 21 remained the drinking age to try and prevent the amount of alcohol related injuries and diseases (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). People under 21 can still be classified as minors in cases of gambling, and buying handguns in addition to drinking for obvious reasons.
There are two states other than Nebraska that have an age of majority higher than 18, those being Alabama (19) and Mississippi (21). There was no information on the reasoning behind the higher age of majority in Nebraska. Though, in general, the age of majority is determined by states based off of when kids reach adulthood as well as brain development statistics (The Age of Adulthood). There is a long list of things one can’t do at 18 in Nebraska that they could do if they turned 18 in another state such as getting married or serving jury duty.
Below is a list of things you can do when you turn 18 in Nebraska (Education NE).
VOTE – In the 1960s the hippies were fighting for peace, love, and the right to vote so they couldn’t get drafted to fight in Vietnam anymore. Pay your respect to the counterculture and do your civic duty you square!
DONATE BLOOD – When you turn 15 you can choose to be an organ donor in case some learners permit related atrocity transpires you can still do one final good deed. Now you can do good deeds and get to live by donating blood!
GET TATTOOS – Despite what your parents might tell you, getting a tattoo isn’t as definitive of a decision as it once was. Sure back in the old days only prisoners, bikers, and sailors had tattoos. But in current culture they will no longer prevent you from getting a job. You’d fit right in at the office or local Starbucks!
CHANGE YOUR NAME – In an ultimate act of defiance against your parents or self determination you can now legally change your own name. You know you’ve had a new one floating around in the back of your mind!
REGISTER FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE – There’s nothing quite like waking up at 4:30 am and getting yelled at by an adult as an adult for the next 4 to 8 years of your life!
BUY SPRAY PAINT – You can finally paint that mural on the side of your local bank or use that airplane glue to finally build and then spray paint a model airplane!
BUY FIREWORKS – As our founding fathers envisioned you can finally blow stuff up without parental supervision on your own time and dime!
WORK ANY JOB – Live out your dream working as a parking lot attendant or telemarketer!
GET A REAL DRIVER LICENSE – Just like when Jack Kerouac was writing “On the Road” you can drive all night with as many friends as you want wherever you want!