Point Counter Point: “Your Feminism”


Part 2 of Point Counter Point: “My Feminism”

We crave entertainment, hell, I tried to figure out how to make an article written by two neutral-standing seniors ‘arguing’ about feminism, at least, readable for teens! We, as an audience, want something to grab us. Something that screams: PAY ATTENTION TO ME! And what doesn’t grab us like an extremist with a microphone, screaming the most baffling of things.

Every group has extremists. There is no exception. Whether it be political, religious, et cetera, et cetera. The Alt-right with the Far Right. Extreme Islamic Terrorists with Islam. The Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas with Christianity. Those knuckleheaded jocks who bully kids with the athletes. They make the whole group look bad. Feminism is no exception.

The point is neutral feminism, real feminism, is not as entertaining as extreme, Feminazi feminism. Feminazis, those women who scream that men are all evil and that the matriarchy is the way to go. They are a minority of feminism that is often highlighted these days, because it what draws people’s attention. They’re not what feminism is about.

Do not be misled by the name, feminism is about equality. It’s just how individuals define ‘equality’ that becomes a problem. Feminism’s goal is the equality of the sexes within the political, economic, and social arenas. So not only equal pay and opportunities in the workplace for women (economic), but also would seek to relieve both women and men of social stereotypes and double standards. That’s what modern and neutral standing feminism is really about. It’s ‘boring’ and because it’s boring, it’s often swept aside.

The current atmosphere in the United States isn’t helping either. Issues often frame a group. With so many sexual assault cases bubbling up, specifically men assaulting women, women’s rights have been thrust into the spotlight and with it, opinions. Feminazis are very, angry women and are quick to judge men as monsters (with reasons or not). They often use their version of feminism as a way to summarize their beliefs. They are no better than misogynistic men, they are simply just another extreme on the other side of the spectrum.

Today, with so many opinions, beliefs, and issues, an audience member cannot look at the extremes of a group to know the goal. Even if they are the most entertaining and infuriating for that matter. With feminism and all other groups, take the time to delve into and research what these groups are about. Look for their neutral standing groups. Look at opposing views. Then form an opinion. Opinions are not set in stone and are not just black and white. It’s okay to change and be a variety of shades of grey when it comes to issues.  That’s the beauty of being human.

If you would like to understand what modern day and neutral standing feminism is about, look up Emma Watson’s feminist speech at the United Nations. After researching this topic for over a month and mulling over the words, I would say it does an excellent job of showing what feminism should be about, what it is about. And if you like what feminism is about, but hate the negative stereotypes that are associated with the name, there’s a movement (also founded by Ms. Watson) called “HeForShe.”

Feminism is not perfect. No movement ever is. They are all riddled with a wide spectrum followers and beliefs. Movements shift, they change, and evolve throughout the times, with the times’ issues. But its long term goal, feminism’s goal, despite how extremist voices try to frame it is equality of the sexes.