Devon Walter: Focus & Graphics Editor


Greetings, Internet Dwellers!

My name’s Devon Walter, lovely to meet you. Welcome to the Online Oracle and congratulations on finding my bio! Currently, I’m a senior attending East High School and have been working as a member of the Oracle staff for three years and after all those grueling, grunt work, years; I’ve been prompted to the Focus/Graphics Editor of the newspaper! Huzzah!

I’m a huge book addict and love reading anything that I can get my hands on, mainly fictional stories and random science articles. Psychology, personality studies, and zodiacs are my jam. I’ve had a deep love for learning about a multitude of cultures and languages for quite a few years now and am possibly, maybe, considering a career in writing/language (though it’s competing with five hundred other possible career choices). Small trinkets and cute stickers have ALWAYS been an impulse buy and animals will forever be my weakness.

When I’m not working on the Oracle or procrastinating with my cat/dogs, I participate in recreational running and the occasional mountain biking (though I’m not the most elegant at either). I’m a huge lover of video games, especially RPGs (‘Role Playing Games’, not, ‘Rocket Propelled Grenade’) and open-world styles; Nintendo is my childhood god! Soda has been replaced with coffee as a nasty addiction that I’ve been trying to kick, orchestra/band music is amazing, and in general I probably, most definitely, need more sleep.

Welcome to the Oracle! :))