Spartan football preview
Photo by Pozye and Lonneke
The fall sports season is underway, coming along with a brand new Spartan football team looking to get back into the mix of the top teams in the state. But this also calls to question the overall inexperience of the Spartan roster. “Well our offensive and defensive lines are all back, so that’s a good thing, and focus has been on the skills positions trying to find kids to step up and assume leadership to take over those roles that are open,” head coach John Gingery explains.

This means there are a lot more opportunities to fill positions than in more recent years. But, the younger generation of Spartan players has created their own hype, “If they’re good enough they’re going to play!” exclaimed Gingery. “We’re excited about our younger kids, we have some really good younger kids, they have the potential to be really good. But, I don’t think a lot of them are ready to play yet, and hopefully with time and experience that’ll take care of itself.” While the younger classes might have some talent, Gingery and his coaching staff know better than anyone else that time and experience develops growth, and you need to give those chances.
As for what is in store for the Spartans in the opening week of the season, Gingery’s statement was simple, “We’ve got to improve, everything has got to get better.” Weather and other obstacles have clouded the team’s ability to run their normal functions, but that’s no excuse, as the Spartans feel that they have a lot of ground to cover.
East will try to look past such obstructions, as they are now one week away from facing a tough Pius team in the opening week of Nebraska high school football. Gingery noted “We just have to do what we do well, going into that first game of the year you’re always at a loss for what everyone else will do, they may do some different things. So the big thing is consistency, not turning the ball over, and moving the chains.” The Spartans will face the Pius X Thunderbolts, August 30th, a Friday night, 7 o’clock, at Aldrich Field.