LPS high schools continue 3/2 scheduling
Photo by LPS
Calendar for quarter 2 if LPS decides to continue the 3/2 schedule during the rest of first semester.
Announced on Friday, October 9, LPS decided that high schools will be remaining in the 3/2 staggered scheduling at the beginning of second quarter. This is due to a rise of COVID-19 cases in the county and region.
Every couple of weeks, LPS will be re-evaluating COVID cases in order to make a decision on when students will be able to return full time.
East High Principal Susan Cassata said, “The goal would be to bring everyone back when it’s safe. I think the district recognizes that this schedule doesn’t meet the needs of all learners, and so the goal would be to be able to bring people back the best they can, as quickly as they can.” It all depends on the numbers in the city.
Looking at it from both a teaching perspective as well as a science perspective, science teacher Burke Morrow said, “I’m going to try to modify things and continue, we’ll just do it on alternate days, but it would have been easier if we were all in the same room… I understand the decision as well.”
No matter what LPS decides upon when students can return to school, many believe East is headed in the right direction.
“The East kids are doing a great job with their masks and hygiene and things like that, we just need to keep it up,” Morrow said.

My name is Madalynn Abele and this is my second year on Oracle staff! This year I am excited to test out new writing styles, as well as improve my design...