Students look forward to new generations of gaming for winter break


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With the new Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X on the market, new waves of video games are soon to be or already out for the public. Winter break is also coming, in which many students will be allowed to relax and enjoy their gaming experiences.

First semester of this school year is almost done. Along with this comes stress and pressure from finals for many of our students. Since winter break is coming up, video games may come into play. Often many students sit around or are bored on break, and need a breather from work. New generations of consoles and video games are being opened up to the community to be played.
Many people are trying to get their hands on the newly released Xbox Series X and Playstation 5, for which many students are excited. Games such as Call of Duty Cold War, Far Cry 6, Spider Man Remastered and more have been or are soon to be released for the public to enjoy.
Aidan Johnson, Lincoln East junior and baseball player explained his first impressions on the new generations of video games and consoles we have access to. “I think it’s crazy how much technology has grown over the past years and how cheap it is,” Aidan Johnson said. “This makes me curious on what more is coming in the future.” With several technological advancements over the past couple of years, the world is creating more intelligent systems. This can be seen with phones, tablets, computers, consoles, and complicated programming.
Video games have grown from pixelated gameplay to highly realistic viewing. Sometimes it is questionable how we can grow so quickly, even during a period of only a decade. As new generations of consoles and video games become more explorative, people’s imaginations may expand. Who knows what our gaming standpoint will be five years from now.
An online friend, Zach Shaniqua, who attends Herron High School in Indiana, explains one of his plans for this winter break. “I will be playing video games over break because I have a lot more free time and since it’s Christmas, I will most likely be getting more games to play.” As can be said, winter break gives students in particular more time for gaming and new additions of games from gifts.
Now, since the first semester of the 2020-2021 school year is almost done, may we be energized for our time on break for gaming. With the new generation of gaming, more students will be able to play with friends and family. The excitement of the upcoming break is uproaring for many students, but it is important to end the semester on a good note. Everyone needs to stay focused on school and give their best effort to finish off the semester for a relaxing break.