What happens when twoTwo childhood best friends grow apart, before middle school, only to reunite as friends during highschool?. In the book “If He Had Been with Me,” (best selling/well known/ trending book) by Laura Nowlin, this is exactly the question posed/ that’s exactly what happens, etc theetcthe t as the two protagonists (put their names here)main characters end up growing apart, leading them to become somewhat enemies. The book navigates through one of these characters. The plot focuses on Autumn’sonmain focus is Autumn’s life as a highschooler, revolving around her experiences and life. There are many exciting and interesting experiences and life points that take place in Autumn’s life, grabbing the reader’s attention.
“If He Had Been with Me,” released on April 2, 2013, butand is just recently going viral on popular media sites such as Tiktok and Instagram (for its..). The book has grown a large reputation for itself among avid book readers. It was Wwritten in first person, from the perspective of Autumn Davis, who lives with her mom and her absent dad, next to her mother’s best friend and her childhood best friend, Phineas Smith, or Finny.
The book is a slow burn (?), casually coveringgoing through the four years of highschool. It’s thrilling to be in the point of view of Autumn, learning how she views everything that goes on and everything that she does. The book itself is charming and has an alluring vibe to it, making it difficult to put down. The build up to the ending of the novel is written beautifully, and in a way that seizes the reader’s attention.
“I liked learning about the backstory and build up,” sophomore Mina Al-Yaseen said. “The book was good and had a sad ending.”
Nowlin recently published the second book “If Only I Had Told Her.” throughIn this second book, there’s the point of view of Finny, Autumn, and Finny’s friend since fifth grade, Jack. Jack and Finn had been friends since fifth grade, his point of view recollecting on that. The ending of the first book is expanded on more in more than one point of view within the second book, with . Both books take place during and after the time of the original book.
The first book was fascinating in its own ways, and the second book adds more to the worldtheof a world and story than the first one already built. (new readers will love… fans of the series will…)