Key Club is more than volunteer work


Photo by Emery Erikson

2021 Key Club poster hanging above a downstairs water fountain in the East High School building. Look for these posters around the school for more information to join!

Key club is a student-led high school organization that Students participate in by volunteering and serving at a variety of places around their school and in the community. Not only does it make the community a better place to be, it teaches important life lessons and skills that are valuable in your everyday life.
Participating in Key Club looks different from week to week. One week you could be cleaning up a park and the next you could be collecting clothes or organizing food drives. Key Club is a great way to step up and take action in your community while also meeting new people. The Lincoln East Key Club is a great way to not only be involved in the East, but also in Lincoln.
According to the vice president of communications, Harley Paprocki, “I love being a part of key club because it allows me to give back to my community while meeting people I would have never otherwise crossed paths with.”
At Lincoln East, some of the club’s favorite volunteer opportunities included Boo at the Zoo, Huskers Helping the Homeless, and decorating bags for Meals on Wheels. There are even take-home projects that you can do with your friends in your own house.
Faculty Advisor, Dr. Sarah Staples-Farmer said, “I really have enjoyed Husker’s helping the homeless in the past…During a home game we would walk around downtown asking people for donations to help Matt Talbot Soup Kitchen & Outreach.”
Even though the key club is volunteering and serving in the community it can shape you into a better person., Key Club not only helps the people in the community, but also helps you grow better as a person. It creates generous values and teaches you how to be a more aware and compassionate person towards the people around you. It instills lessons within us that we couldn’t experience or know from just hearing about it. It shows us that this world is bigger than ourselves and the tiny circle we keep ourselves in and that there are more important things out there.