May’s Featured Artist: Tatum Sesow


Tatum Sesow was suggested as this edition’s featured artist. The Oracle staff had the privilege  of interviewed the budding artist

You mentioned you doodle, so is your art style more cartoonish or?

“I try to do both. I say it’s more cartoonish than anything- but when I paint with professional materials, I try to be more realistic.”

Art media style?

“I draw more- it’s less time consuming. But I like painting more. I like perfecting a finished work.”

Is there a specific thing you enjoy drawing?

“I draw people alot. I’m best at drawing people. I also draw dogs alot; I have really cute dogs that serve as great models!”

What do you like about your artwork?

“I enjoy seeing the evolution of my work. When I look at my artwork I think it’s very ‘me’- I’m sure you can find things similar -but I feel like every artist’s work is different and like a signature. When I look at other people’s artwork on the Internet, there’s not one thing that’s the same about every single one. It’s unique and personal.”

Fun question, but what do you hope to improve on as an artist?

“I’m always finding little challenges to improve on. When I started to draw seriously I would go through periods where I was like: ‘Okay, so I’m going to focus on the human form. Or I need to make sure to draw men as not so feminine.’

Currently, I trying to draw people from different angles. Like hands, hands are really hard!”

Why do you draw? You said your mother was an artist, is that a motivation or is more of a stress reliever?

“There is a little bit of that [being a stress reliever], but it’s more of a thing I like to do with my time. Something productive to do and be happy about, so I just don’t waste away watching TV.

There’s something really self-fulfilling about seeing a whole sketchbook filled up!”